Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change or cancel my booking after I book?

Yes. No problem and we would be happy to help!

Just contact us via email, phone or live chat and we'll help you make the changes you need such as date and time of travel or number of passengers.

Please note that in some cases a minor cancellation fee might apply if the number of passengers is being reduced but if the cancellation happens reasonably fast this is usually not a problem.

Cancellation policies are determined by the tour operators.

Is my payment secure?

Yes, security is very important to us and in fact we don't actually store your payment information. All data that goes between us and the payment processing system is encrypted to protect you against fraud and unauthorized transactions.

We use a well-known and internationally recognized secure payment processor called SaltPay and our security certificates are issued by Globalsign.

Our website and online booking process is fully secured with a SSL certificate from LetsEncrypt SSL, all payments are processed in partnership with SaltPay a global payment processor and acquirer.

Is there a booking fee?

No. There are no booking fees at GetLocal. The price you see is the price you pay and we are committed to finding you the lowest possible price for your tour.

Can I claim a refund if I found the same tour cheaper?

We try to guarantee the best prices on all of our tours so if you book a tour and then find it somewhere else with a better price please let us know and we'll see if we can match the price you've found. We get our tours directly from the suppliers and we don't add any fees on top of their prices.

Can you pick me up from my hotel / guesthouse

Many of the operators we work with do offer that service, some include pickup in the price while others might charge a small fee. If pickup and drop-off is provided it is always mentioned in the description of the tour. 

Pickup is offered from most hotels and guesthouse in Reykjavik, some operators also offer pickup in Kópavogur, Garðabær and Hafnarfjörður. Not many operators pick up from Keflavík or near the airport so please contact us to require about that.

If you are staying in an AirBnb you can select the hotel closest to where you are staying, we can also help if needed.